Holiday Hazards for your cat and dog

Submitted by Veterinary Wellness Partners on Thu, 11/20/2014 - 1:39pm
Holiday Hazards for your cat and dog

How to Keep Your Pet Healthy During the Holidays

The holidays are a very busy time of year with gathering and parties very commonplace.  Orrville Veterinary Clinic is proud to align with the American Humane Association to remind pet owners about holiday hazards for your pet, mainly focusing this article around things pet may eat during this festive time of year.  For a similar resource that discusses more holiday hazards, click HERE.

  • Table food.  We do not recommend feeding pets from the dinner table, PERIOD.   We all know it is tempting to share some mashed potatoes or turkey with our furry family members, but even a small change in diet can mean huge problems.  Diarrhea, vomiting and stomach pain are just a few issues that may arise.  It is vitally important to avoid bones, especially letting them chew or eat the hollow poultry bones.  These bones easily break apart, creating sharp pieces that can end up as blockages.
  • Christmas Tree Water. Be aware that there are some tree water preservatives and additives that are not pet friendly.  Always read the label and look for pet friendly products.  Better yet: limit access to the tree water altogether.
  • Medications. Always keep all prescriptions and over-the-counter drugs out of reach.  Many of the common cold remedies can negatively affect our pets.
  • Batteries. Believe it or not, this is a common item that is ingested by pets.  They can result in mild to severe acids burns, upset stomach and even a blockage.
  • Automotive Antifreeze. Sweet, but deadly, animal exposure to antifreeze tends to increase during the cooler months.  Keep all antifreeze away from pets at all times.  It doesn’t take a lot to cause severe and permanent damage to the kidneys.
  • Stringed Popcorn and Tinsel.  These items are very tempting, especially to cats.  The result of ingestion is often a linear foreign body.  This is a blockage with the risk to tear a hole in the intestines, which leads to peritonitis.
  • Pretty plants. Examples include: poinsettias, holly, amaryllis, mistletoe, and pine needles.  We recommend alternatives or fake flowers/ plants to help avoid this risk.

*Adapted from DVM Magazine staff article "Advice for clients: what not to feed animals this holiday season" for Orrville Veterinary Clinic, Inc. by Robin Evans. 

Edited by Dr. Jeff Fink.