▬ Veterinary Wellness Partners ▬

Exotic Care with Dr. Butera at Canal Fulton Only

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After Hours Emergency Exotic Pet Care

All small animal AFTER HOURS emergencies need to be referred to a fully-staffed 24 hour emergency facility in order to provide the best possible patient care. Here are the Local Veterinary Emergency facilities are available after hours:


Stark County Veterinary Emergency Service - 330-452-5116

Medvet Akron - 330-665-4996

Metropolitan Veterinary Hospital - 330-836-0481

All small animal AFTER HOURS emergencies need to be referred to a fully-staffed 24 hour emergency facility in order to provide the best possible patient care. Here are the Local Veterinary Emergency facilities available after hours:


Stark County Veterinary Emergency Service 330-452-5116

Medvet Akron


Metropolitan Veterinary Hospital



Cryotherapy is a service that we added in 2017.  This technology uses liquid nitrogen, targeted through a small, handheld device.  The liquid nitrogen serves to "freeze" the target tissue.  This allows us to remove smaller lumps and bumps with little to no anesthesia.


Dental care is an extremely important aspect of overall pet care. Does your pet have bad breath? This may indicate dental disease. The professionals at Veterinary Wellness Partners anesthetize each patient, perform a complete cleaning, and evaluate the overall condition of your pet’s oral cavity.

Diagnostic Radiology

Veterinary Wellness Partners is equipped to provide comprehensive imaging services. X-rays allow us to see the size and shape of many internal organs and bones, and offer the ability to observe any foreign bodies that your pet may have swallowed. We can administer barium and other contrast agents to help highlight many conditions. Talk with your veterinarian regarding radiology options.

Laser Therapy

Your pet can experience the benefits of Cold Laser Therapy; a non-invasive and painless treatment option. Cold Laser Therapy can help alleviate arthritis, promote wound healing, manage postoperative pain, and treat skin conditions and allergies. It can be used in conjunction with other treatments, minimizing the need for medication.  Our trained and certified practitioners can discuss with you this safe and well-tolerated treatment option for your furry friends.

Microchip Identification Service

Veterinary Wellness Partners offers Microchip identification Services. This is implanting a small chip into your pet, which contains their unique identification number. If your pet goes missing, this chip can be scanned to retrieve their information and increase the chances of a safe return. It also helps with proper identification and ownership verification, promoting responsible pet ownership. It's important to update your pet's microchip information regularly to ensure accurate contact details. Protect your pet and give yourself peace of mind with microchip identification.

To talk with one of our friendly staff about microchipping, contact us today.


Eye care is another critical component to the care of your pet. Changes to the appearance of the eye can be an indication of several systemic diseases. Common eye conditions include: corneal ulcers, conjunctivitis, glaucoma, traumatic injury, eyelid abnormalities, cherry eye, and many more. We are able to perform eye pressure testing (glaucoma screening), tear production testing, and corneal staining in addition to a general ophthalmic examination.

Orthopedic Services

Lameness, the inability to use one or more limbs, is a very common problem among the pet population. Injury, dislocation, hip dysplasia, and other issues are cause for concern. Veterinary Wellness Partners offers complete orthopedic evaluations and treatment on an outpatient basis.

Parasite Control

All animals can acquire parasite infestations, both internally and externally.  We utilize the most recent medications, treatments, and preventatives that are available to manage these parasites.

Internal parasites include Heartworms, Hookworms, Roundworms, Whipworms, Tapeworms, and Coccidia.  Each parasite can be treated specifically after being diagnosed by one of our veterinarians. 

External parasites include fleas, ticks, ear mites, sarcoptic mange, and demodex mites.  These can be prevented and controlled using various products and methods.  In addition to concerns about the parasites themselves, several of these parasites are the cause (or carrier) of other diseases, such as Lyme Disease.

Protecting our pets from parasites is key to ensuring their overall health and happiness.

Pharmacy and Prescription Services

Medications are often necessary for the optimum care of your pet. We have an in-house pharmacy, meaning we can tailor our treatment to the needs of your specific pet. If your pet should need something that we do not have in our clinic, we can order that medication quickly, ship it to your house, or script it out at your preferred pharmacy.

Physical Examinations

Professional physical examinations are the most important aspect of quality pet care. Because animals age faster than their owners, examinations are needed more frequently than once a year. The doctors of Veterinary Wellness Partners provide routine pet examinations to ensure any medical condition is detected early. This ensures the most effective treatment and the best results are possible.

Preventative Health Care

Preventative health care is more than just vaccinations. We strive to educate clients on proper vaccination protocols, heartworm and parasite prevention, nutritional support, and weight management. Our veterinarians are trained to offer you the best preventative care to keep your pet healthy, happy, and a part of your family for many years.

Referral Service

Occasionally, a pet may require the care of a specialist not available at any of our clinics. Veterinary specialists are certified and trained in specific areas of medicine or surgery. We have relationships with several referral institutions, so our veterinarian may refer you to one of those specialists for the best outcome of your pet’s needs.


Ultrasound technology can be used for so much more than just diagnosis of pregnancy. We use ultrasound to highlight the internal structures using sound waves. We are able to visualize the structure and makeup of the liver, kidneys, bladder, and other organs, and can detect some structures that are not visible on radiographs. Our state-of-the-art ultrasound machine allows us to visualize many of the smaller tissues and organs within the body. Ultrasound can be used to obtain a guided biopsy of tumors or a urinary sample directly from the bladder.

Ultrasound enhances veterinary care, providing valuable insights into animal health.

Vaccination Services

The doctors of Veterinary Wellness Partners can advise you on a vaccination schedule for your pet. There are many components to a wellness program, but vaccinations do provide one of the best lines of defense against many diseases. Our vaccines are safe and effective preventative measures for your furry friends.

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